SK0UX/B Micro wave beacon on 5,7 GHz


Beacon data: QTH JO99BM,  QRG 5,760.915MHz, 10W output to a slotted WG, 100W ERP
Antenna direction OMNI.

Reception reports are encouraged, please send to SM0DFP
As part of the propagation study scheme undertaken by SK0CT, this beacon was build and put in service 1999. At that time it had only 200mW in a directional antenna pointing in to central Stockholm. After some years of service, it finally went QRT in 2003. The beacon was rebouilt by SM0DFP in 2005 and recommissioned in August 2005.

The beacon has a temperature controlled XO . The XO feeds the frequency multiplyer that brings the frequency to 5760,915 MHz. The multiplyer is the famous DB6NT standard design.
The 5,7GHz signal has only 200mW out from the multiplier, so it is further amplifed in an Avantec 10W output amplifer.
All electronics is driven from an external minus 48V DC supply. Inside the beacon box, DC/DC converters provide the various internal voltages.

The following are acknowledged in bringing the beacon into being.
SK0CT for supplying the Oscillator and multiplier hardware
LA8AK for suplying the 10W amplifier
SM6EAN for supplying the slotted WG antenna
ES5PC for ID keyer design
SM0DFP for engineering and mechanical work
SM0MXO for assistance during installation.