10GHz beacon
A High Power 10GHz Beacon
We had a meeting in fall of 2000 between SM0 and SM6 to define a propagation study. It was decided that each end should commission a high power beacon beaming toward SM0 and SM6 respectively. On the SM0 side, SK0CT committed to the project. On the SM6 side VMG (Västkustens Mikrovågs Grupp) committed to the project.
The beacon made by SK0CT has the following specs.
– temperature regulated oscillator, 108MHz, 1 mW.
– frequency multiplier chain 108MHz to 10,368 GHz, 200 mW.
– power amplifier 5W output.
– power monitor indicator.
– PIC keyer unit with callsign SK0SHH.
– AC/DC power supply.
– parabolic antenna, 60cm with a gain of 33dB.
– ERP of 10 kW.
– QRG 10.368835 GHz.
– antenna polarisation is horizontal.

The beacon was made by SM0FZH. It is parly using prefab units from DB6NT, multiplier and PA, and partly re-using surplus parts. An old Minilink 10 is used as housing and antenna. The power supply is made from two surplus 14V units connected in parallel to provide enough current. The beacon was in March 2001 temporary placed on top of house 8 in Kista by the SK0CT members SM0FZH, SM0EPO and SM0DFP. The final place of the beacon is TBD. The antenna visible in the background is SK0CT’s 1296 Tonna with mast mounted PA.

The SM6 beacon is still under construction (010323). In the mean time, the SM0 beacon is beaming toward JO65, Lund. This direction is the same as to SM7ECM, Anders. Anders has reported hearing the beacon about 50% of the time in evenings. The distance between SK0CT and SM7ECM is 500+km.